
BCRM is able to offer IVF & ICSI patients the opportunity to have the most advanced time-lapse incubation system available known as the EmbryoScope as part of their Fertility treatment.

What is time-lapse EmbryoScope+ monitoring?

Time-lapse imaging is used to help select the embryos most likely to successful become a baby.

The EmbryoScope+ is the very latest in incubator technology. The incubator has a built-in camera, which captures images of your embryos several times an hour.

With normal IVF, we will check the embryos each day under a microscope, which involves removing them from the incubator for a brief period. Therefore, instead of viewing Embryos once a day the Embryoscope+ allows us to continuously assess the embryos and choose the best ones.

What are the advantages of culturing my embryos in the EmbryoScope+?

The new EmbryoScope+ incubator means our expert embryology team can now carry out assessments without removing the embryos from the incubator, watching the continuous development of your embryos over several days. This gives our team a highly detailed information of your embryos whilst keeping them undisturbed in the best incubator conditions.

At BCRM we have found that using the Embryoscope+ has also increased the proportion of patients who develop blastocysts and have embryos to freeze

Once we have identified which embryo is most suitable for transfer, we will also provide you with your own copy of its/their development for you to take home on a USB stick.

What’s the evidence for time-lapse imaging?

There have been various studies to try and see if time-lapse imaging can improve birth rates. Initial research has shown some promise, but it’s still very early days.

Are there any risks to using time-lapse EmbryoScope+ monitoring?

There are no known extra risks involved in using time-lapse imaging to monitor your embryos. The EmbryoScope+ is a fully validated and monitored incubator.

Is time-lapse EmbryoScope+ imaging suitable for everyone to use?

Yes, every patient can have the option to use the time-lapse EmbryoScope+ and could be valuable if you’ve had previous failed cycles of IVF/ICSI. We will be able to gain more information about your embryos and identify any anomalies that may not be visible with normal IVF or ICSI incubation.

How much does time-lapse EmbryoScope+ monitoring cost?

The cost to use the EmbryoScope+ as part of your IVF/ICSI cycle is £490. We have purposely aimed to keep the cost of this new time-lapse technology as low as we can, to ensure as many patients as possible can benefit.

How many embryos can I have developed in the EmbryoScope+?

Each EmbryoScope+ slot has the capacity to culture up to 16 eggs or embryos. If you have ICSI, your eggs are placed in the EmbryoScope+ incubator immediately after the ICSI procedure so actual fertilisation can be observed.

If you have IVF, your embryos are placed in the EmbryoScope after they have been checked for fertilisation the morning after egg collection. This is because the cells surrounding your embryo have to be removed for the camera to have a clear view of its development.

Is time-lapse EmbryoScope+ monitoring any guarantee of IVF success?

Although the Embryoscope gives us highly detailed information about your embryo in terms of its development, it does not guarantee it will implant and result in a successful pregnancy and birth. There are many factors that can influence the outcome of an IVF cycle, but helping ensure that the most viable embryos are transferred is a key part of it.

Is my cycle more likely to fail if I don’t use the EmbryoScope?

At BCRM we have been using state-of-the-art standard culture incubators for many years, and this – combined with the expertise of our embryologists – has resulted in consistent, successful pregnancy rates across all patients we treat to date. So not opting to use the new time-lapse EmbryoScope+ incubator does not mean that your cycle is more likely to fail.

The time-lapse EmbryoScope+ technology simply takes incubation a step further, allowing less disturbance of your embryos in optimal conditions.

For more information: https://www.vitrolife.com/en/why-vitrolife/your-ivf-journey/embryoscope-time-lapse-system/

Download our information leaflet here.

EmbryoScope+ Time Lapse incubation