News & Blog


Take a look at this fantastic video of our celebratory event.

25th Jul 2024
World Embryologist Day

Today July 25, is World Embryologist Day, which celebrates the birth in 1978 of Louise Joy Brown, the world’s first IVF baby. We celebrate the outstanding team of scientists - embryologists, andrologists, STP embryologists and IVF technologists at BCRM and the progress made in the last 40 years.

15th Jul 2024
Why choose BCRM ?

Our mission is unwavering: 'Passionately changing lives and building families through a skilled and compassionate team of experts'. Embark on your parenthood journey with us!

20th Jun 2024

JOIN US ON WEDNESDAY 3RD JULY ! Following on from Pride Month, would-be same-sex and solo parents who will require donor sperm to conceive a baby can learn more about the process pathways to parenthood at a free open evening at the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) at Aztec West.

10th Jun 2024
Embryo Selection gives Bristol couple their perfect pair

A couple from Bristol who were struggling to have a baby now have a three-year old son and a five-month-old daughter who probably would not have been born were it not for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT).

3rd Jun 2024
Fortitude and Courage : a presentation by Mr Valentine Akande

A group was brought together through a public appeal by the clinic last year which aimed to find the earliest people conceived and born in Bristol as the result of IVF, and attendees included some ‘brave and remarkable pioneers’ according to BCRM’s medical director Valentine Akande.

30th May 2024
The Science Behind PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Testing): Understanding the Basics of Genetic Screening

PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) tests embryos for chromosomal abnormalities. Learn more with the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine.

22nd May 2024
A Child of Science

BCRM has celebrated 40 years of IVF in Bristol this year with a party at the centre in the company of many 'made in Bristol' IVF babies 💜 None of these births would have been possible without these early pioneers. BCRM - Bristol Centre For Reproductive Medicine are excited to be attending the 'A Child of Science' production in June at the Bristol Old Vic. The story of a remarkable medical breakthrough that changed the world as we knew it. A Child of Science charts Robert Edwards, Patrick Steptoe & Jean Purdy’s creation of IVF and the army of women whose bravery helped them achieve the impossible.

17th May 2024
Genetic testing can minimise miscarriage risk

A new mum from North Somerset who struggled for years to have a baby has said how grateful she and her husband are to have had access to genetic testing prior to their successful pregnancy last year and says with hindsight she wishes they’d done it sooner.

9th May 2024
BCRM appoints new consultant gynaecologist

Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) has appointed a new consultant gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine and surgery. Dr Guy Morris joins the clinic’s Aztec West team, led by internationally acclaimed consultant gynaecologist and fertility expert Dr Valentine Akande.