BCRM Patient Support During These Difficult Times
Ordinarily, most patients experience immense emotional difficulty around the uncertainty and delays involved in their fertility treatment. The majority of patients we see express how deeply troubling they find the lack of certainty – not knowing when or if their treatment is ever going to give them the pregnancy they have been longing and trying for. Every month that passes really counts, and each delay or wait seems interminable and frustrating. The sense of life being on hold, or feeling ‘in limbo’ and unable to plan anything, is a recurring theme in the conversations we have with fertility patients.
Now, add COVID -19 into this mix – and the resulting hold on fertility treatments – and the increased anxiety and uncertainty will surely be intensifying these already disturbing and frustrating emotions.
BCRM is aware of the enormous impact that this distressing situation must be having on you. We understand this is an extremely difficult and unprecedented time and we are entirely focused on providing you with the best care and support we can. That’s why we are continuing to offer online Patient Support sessions for as long as this crisis continues.
BCRM is pleased to inform you that Patient Support sessions can be accessed by telephone, Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime.
We understand that this must be very upsetting and stressful for you but our priority must be your safety and wellbeing.
If you would like to book a patient support appointment we will do our best to accommodate you according to your availability – and your preferred method of communication.
Just email BCRM at contact@bcrm.clinic or call the Hot-Phone line on 0117 259 1159
Wendy Martin – specialist fertility counsellor at BCRM